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Friday 24 August 2012

023. Reasonable Doubts (2006).

Reasonable Doubts by Gianrico Carofiglio (2006).
A legal mystery with maybe 20% of thriller.

The rest is filled with life, love and Philosophy.

I know it sounds strange, but it works out so well, I must tell you this:

This is a wonderful book.

layers. Guido Guerrieri.   The main man. One of the top, if not the top, defense lawyer who defends everyone except pedophile. When he believes in something, he doesn’t give it up and never afraid of going after it.

He is over 40 now and he feels it obviously (especially after his break-up with his wife).  So these days, he is just trying to keep it up with his age, you know, things like starting bicycling to courts-room and eating healthy food, etc..

He is possibly the only defense lawyer in Italy and probably in the world, who reads/loves poetry and secretly dreaming up becoming a writer one day.

This book is quite different from any books I’ve ever read which feature lawyer as a main guy. In this book, practicing laws is not in the center stage of the storyline. It’s the life of Guido, that’s most interesting, therefore, most important.

Guido is apparently going through some kind of mid-life crisis. First, his wife just left him and now he is not even sure if he has a right job for the rest of his life. And this leads to a lot of contemplating and self discovery.

Carmelo Tancredi.   A good friend of Guido and a very smart/tough police inspector specializing in hunting down the worst (rapist, child traffickers, etc.).

Quite an intellectual. He is only one thesis away from getting Psychology degree (university), but can’t afford to do it. Too busy busting child pornographer-rings.

A regular looking man with a “God-given” intuition and “crazy-bull” stubbornness. 

He helps Guido a lot by giving him a proper advice and confident info. Sometime, protection, too. If you are an anti-Mafia prosecutor in Italy, you gotta have a friend like him.

Natsu Kawabata.   Ex-model turned high-end Japanese cuisine chef.  A beautiful woman and Guido’s new lover (?). Yes, he is sleeping with his client’s wife.

Fabio Paolicelli.   Natsu’s husband.

He is sentenced 16 yrs in prison for drug trafficking which, of course, he completely denies. He used to be a Fascist thug and beat the crap out of Guido when Guido was a 14 yrs old kid. Guido swears for revenge ever since and now, Fabio is his client behind the bar and Guido is struggling to contain his anger against him. The only reason Guido decides to defend him is his beautiful wife. Well, what can he do? His wife left him months ago, so…

lace. A beautiful city of Bari in the southern part of Italy. All I can tell you is according to the author, this is a wonderful city with full of life and judging by his writing, he probably adores this city with passion.

lot. – 1. Defense lawyer, Guido Guerrieri is asked to defend Fabio Paolicelli against drug trafficking charge which Fabio of course claims that he has no involvement with.

2. From the beginning, this is quite complicated case. For one, the evidence is overwhelmingly stacking against Fabio. 

3. The other, Fabio used to be a Fascist gang who 25 years ago beat up Guido for nothing more than fun and Guido still remembers the incident like it happens yesterday, swearing REVENGE!!

4. Things get even more complicated once Guido starts sleeping with his beautiful Japanese wife, Natsu (kind of sweat revenge?) but hopelessly falling in love with her without even telling her about it.

5. Then, things get serious when Guido finds out his client somehow get mixed up with nasty Drug Gangs.

One really interesting aspect of this book is that the narrator/hero-Guido talks to himself a lot. Whenever he talks to someone-his clients or friends or a beautiful woman, what he says and what he actually thinks is, well,…….let’s just say there is a HUGE GAP between them. Guido behaves and, very successfully, talks like a top lawyer like he actually is. But his mind is always wondering around because even if he is extremely talented/smart and is respected by the both side of the laws, he is never sure if he is making a right decision.

This kind of uncertainty makes him venerable yet much more cautious and forces him to prepare even more than what he has to. Therefore makes him a much better lawyer than anyone around him.

By the way, his inner-debates are absolute KILLLER!!

So incredibly DARK & FUNNY!!

Big reason why this series is popular in ITALY!!


erdict. – This book is perfectly balances between Guido’s personal life (love) and professional one (lawyer).

The author perfectly paces the book with Guido’s love life and solitary and job, yet builds the tension toward the end so effortlessly, it is no wonder someone decides to go through all the troubles to bring this book to the other side of the continent (translation from Italian to English, too). 


One of the best thing ever to come out of Italy, I must say.

As Guido spends almost all of his spare time, wondering around the city, meeting people, thinking deeply about the meaning of the life, this book is filled with easy Philosophy and theory of life.

The bottom line is: This book is     
  A love story supported by a very tight legal thriller with just enough Philosophy to spice up the story line.


Please, do yourself a favour and go get it.