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Wednesday 1 August 2012

020. Maigret And The Idle Burglar (1961).

MAIGRET AND THE IDLE BURGLAR by Georges Simenon (1961).
One of very early detective books from France.

One of those good novels which put emphasis not just on crimes but also people and the surrounding environment.

Wonderful mystery with wonderful characters..

layers. Maigret.  A chief superintendent. A very good, old-fashioned inspector( two yrs away from retirement ) who spent countless hours on street therefore, knows every corner of the city and every people in it.

Now, because of so called modernization of the department, he has to spend hours everyday writing reports in his office, sometimes, not even allowed to be in the crime scene due to some kinds of NEW and STRICT jurisdiction regulations imposed by new-white color-college educated-bureaucraps. Which of course doesn’t affect him at all. Can’t even slow him down.

He personally assumes that all the officers pour in 80% of their time filling in forms these days. Totally ridiculous.

He has seen everything, done everything and possibly arrested every sort of criminals in his career. Yet, he still holds personal grudge against murderers and that kind of passion makes him probably the best cop in the city.

He is very lucky to have an understanding and thoughtful/intelligent wife with whom he discusses his cases quite openly.

Aristide Fumel.  Inspector. Because he can’t read or write well, despite of his age (51 yrs), he still stays on the bottom of the leather.

Very ugly but somehow manages to marry once. However, his wife just disappears one day and after all those years, he still is looking for his wife.

What’s funny is even with all above personal problems, he is one of the best inspectors in Paris. And because high-profile bank rubber case sucks up all the resources, he has a sole responsibility for C case.

lace. – 60’s Paris. Apparently the whole police department is going through upgrading and modernization for the new century. But that only means there won’t be any more rooms for old school cops like Maigret and Fumel. Then again, you can’t solve every case with systemized approach and organized man power only, because the crimes are committed on the street not in the conference room or police head quarter. So Maigret and Fumel are still the core of the police department even if they try not to acknowledge it.

lot. –This is one of the very early works from the early stage of modern detective novel. However, this book contains all the necessary elements.

1.      Main detective (Maigret) and his trusted sidekick (Fumel).

2.      Very detailed description of real police procedurals.

3.      The department is against the main detective, so our hero is sandwiched between his own people behind him and villain in front of him.    
Now, the actual plot. Just like real police work, there are a lot going on at the same time.
First, there is a gang of bank robbers emptying bank after bank without any troubles which makes media friendly public prosecutor real nervous. Then there is a murder of a quite burglar (main title). And for a minor note, a drama school student, a girl of seventeen, runs away from home possibly with unknown man.

From the police’s point of view, the bank robber is the major crime and therefore, all the resources are naturally poured into this one. However for Maigret who has known Cuendet (the idle burglar) for decades, the priority is little different.

Maigret, as a chief-inspector who runs the investigation unit, has to pay total attention to the bank robber case.  But for him, this is the kind of case which requires nothing but time to find the criminals, because sooner or late, they will find the trace of gangs and all they need is one tiny whole in their (gang’s) network to break it wide open.

For the Cuendet case, things are totally different. In order to find the murderer, Maigret has to find out all about the burglar, his world, to establish the pattern and the suspects. Since there is no evidence what so ever to connect the killing to anyone, Maigret tries to get into Cuendet’s mind by talking to people who know him, staying the same hotel C used to sleep and eating the same dishes at the same restaurant on the same table.

And he is doing this while leading the 24 hrs pursuit of bank gangs. And it is officially not even his case. Obsession, if you ask me.

erdict. – I’ve said this a lot, but any old (1961), foreign language (French) detective novels which survive and get to re-publish in 21 century are either great or important. This book is both.

This book, its story and its characters are all aged so well, it is hard to believe this book (series) is written over 50 yrs ago.

It ends very peacefully with quite a few questions up in the air. Actually, come to think of it, none of them are answered!! Man, what a book!!

Yet, it achieves a very satisfying ending in which you will feel good about Maigret and what he achieves.  

A great reading.