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Friday 3 August 2012

021. Death In The Air (1935).

Death In The Air by QUEEN Agatha Christie (1935).
This is 



layers. Mighty Hercule Poirot.   The second best detective in the history of human race, next only to God himself, 


As Holmes bases almost all his deduction  on hard evidence (a scientist, he is), Poirot puts emphasis on exploring and manipulating the human mind (Psychologist).

This is entirely my guess, but I think Christie intentionally tries to create a detective who is completely polar opposite of Sherlock Holmes.

Their physical appearance (Holmes, tall, athletic and hawk-face, Poirot, short, round and egg-head) and character (Holmes, in-human, machine-like emotion, Poirot, kind, gentle and talkative) couldn’t e more different, except for the fact that they both easily manage to annoy anyone around them without much effort.

Also, not like seclusive and secretive Holmes, Poirot just loves attention and publicity (FAME)!!!

He loves sweat (Hot chocolate) and beautiful women, and firmly believes that hot inside-air fixes all the problems, so he tries really hard to keep his home intolerably hot.

Unfortunately, there is no appearance of his lovable and brave sidekick Arthur Hastings in this book. Pity.

He is tidy to the point of obsession. When something on the table or desk or book shelves out of its places, he notices it right away and put it back to the right place immediately, sometime unconsciously too. This kind of tendency to pay attention to the smallest possible detail helps him a lot for his cases because he never misses anything out of their places.

Bottom line is Poirot is a kind, gentle, thoughtful hero (Genius) who passionately hates crimes/murderers and deeply cares for innocent and troubled souls.

lace.Christie’s book open explores various exotic locations (she is an amateur Archeologist, I think).  Egypt, India or anywhere near the Middle Eastern country. However in this book, the crime is committed inside the airplane. So the location is airplane’s destination which is from London to Paris.

Christie often describes the cities with up most details just like Poirot explaining his method to spectators, you feel like looking at the pictures sometime.

lot. –This book contains all the classic Christie elements.

1.      En-closed area (airplane) with bunch of completely different characters from completely different background.

2.      Incompetent inspector (Japp, in this case) with an attitude of spoiled tyrant.

3.      Exotic location with impossible murder (South African blow-gun with deadly snake poison!!).

4.      And the final, MASTER DETECTIVE!! In this case, 


Poirot, despite of his comical looks is actually fearful/ruthless hunter when it gets down to murder business.

Almost always he puts himself around suspects, and sets up the trap between them, patiently waiting out and luring them into the deadly trap without criminals realizing it. He calls this psychological trap,

“his little experiment”

Again, because of his peculiar/crazy manner and outrageously funny look (egg-head with magnificent beard), nobody, I mean including police, ever suspect his intention, EVER!! He lays out the same trick in this book and, well, you know the rest.

Also, he so-well knows how to encourage people to fulfill, so called, fundamental need of human nature which is, of course, need to talk.

He is genius at letting others talk about themselves and from there, finding the pieces to his case and putting them all together neatly at the end.

As much as he hates murderer, he also cares a lot about innocents who get involved with murder.

Most of the time, he really helps out others at the end, like resolving difference between couples, clearing the misunderstanding, and healing the old wound.

Come to think of it, he is a perfect counselor to a lot of suffering souls because at the end, he literally knows everything and thinks out the best possible solution to every possible trouble surrounding the case. 

Ever since teenager kid, I’ve always wanted to have uncle like him.

erdict. – What can I say? You can’t say anything bad about the QUEEN Christie and certainly not to 

Mighty Hercule Poirot!!

This book comes out from probably Christies most creative period and simply put, just wonderful book to be included in your collection.

One of those beautiful books ages magnificently with time.

Timeless classic.