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Monday 29 September 2014

052. Never Go Back (2014).

Never Go Back by Lee Child (2014).

JACK REACHER is back!!

After couple of mediocre books, REACHER makes a total come back with "Never Go Back".

Like MJ, when he is on his game, nobody can beat Lee Child!!

layers. Jack Reacher. Ex-military MP. He used to run 110th MP Special Unit which basically oversee all MPs.

He is still a hulk with mind of Sherlock Holmes. Except, after wondering around the US and the world (seasoning, they called) for the last 15 years or so, he is becoming wiser and more confident. A wise and calm and highly intelligent hulk who, as soon as identifies his enemy, attacks with precision and ruthlessness. Imagine that!

According to him, now he has a theory why he is a complete loner with no desire of settling down. He has a strong, primitive DNA of ancient hunters in his blood which keeps him off of regular life with any sort of attachment. Hum. Interesting.

Major Susan Turner.  This episode’s victim. She is a current boss of powerful 110th MP Special Unit which is the house Reacher built years ago.

She is, off course, wrongfully accused of crimes she never committed just like A-team and just like a victim in A-team, she has a help who can move a mountain if it is required. The fact that she is very attractive also works well for her advantage. 

Not that she uses it. She is too proud and smart for that.

Romeo and Juliet. This episode’s nemesis for Reacher. Another pool souls who think they can deal with Reacher with violence and money.

 They actually did quite extensive research on Reacher through military database before they declare a war against Reacher. But we all know who goes under six feet at the end.

lace. – Washington, DC where Reacher’s old unit, 110th MP Special Unit is located. Reacher visits Turner who is a current Boss of his old unit just to ask her out for dinner.

The next stop is LA where he takes care of a personal allegation made by army which is actually quite funny.

Then, back to Washington to face the final bosses.

Then, according to the book, his next stop is Seattle.

lot. – Very straight Jack Reacher story. Reacher walks into the trouble and instead of running away from it, which he can do it if he wants because the choice is all his, he attacks it with everything he has which is a considerable force because he is Jack Reacher.

Reacher is looking forward to meet a chief officer of his old unit, Susan Turner, for a dinner and a date. However as soon as he arrives in Washington, DC, he is confronted with two tugs who warn him to go away from DC forever. 

After dispatching them with couple of quick but deadly punches, Reacher takes their car to visit Turner, only to find out she is in jail with quite serious accusation which is off course total BS. Not just that, Reacher himself is forcefully brought back to army so that he can face his own crime allegation not just one but two, both are, of course, totally BS, too. However, he is end up in jail in no time like Turner.

Eventually, after a brilliant maneuvering and calculation, Reacher meets Turner in prison and breaks out of it with her. From there, his fight to find and get rid of threat begins. And if you’ve ever read any of his books before, then you know what’s coming: If you challenge Reacher, you either go down with pain or without. 

Either way, you go down. That’s the only way.

erdict. After a few mediocre entries, which by the way happens to every writer who has a successful series, Reacher comes back fully recovered from mid-life crisis of 3 or 4 so-so titles. This book brings back everything that makes this series spectacular readings: intense pace, multiple twists, fast actions, a few good characters and couple of surprises at the end. 

I don’t quite read fast-paced, action-filled page-tuner any more just because 

1.    They tend to be little too thin on plot-side.

2.    Characters are tend to be little too simple/cliché-ridden.

3.    The story quite often ends without developing full characters or relationship between them.

However, this is possibly only action series which has truly unique characters, quite interesting plots and, always, a great back ground (settings). If I sum it up in one sentence, Action-Series With Brain. And if you read as much as I do, then you DO know how hard to meet series like this. 

So, please enjoy Jack Reacher NOW when he is still around kicking bad-asses all over the world and please forget about the god-awful Hollywood-made film adaptation with Tom Cruise. TOM CRUISE! There is at least one foot difference between their height alone! Reacher is a half French with blue eyes! I guess anything is possible in Hollywood as long as money is involved….sigh).