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Friday 21 March 2014

037. The Sparrow (1996).

The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell (1996).

One of the weirdest books I’ve ever read.

It’s part fantasy, part religion and all together some sort of strange adventure/mystery novel with possibly most complicated characters with most twisted relasioship I’ve ever read.  

Could be a masterpiece but I’m not quite sure…

layers. –All the major players in this book have either traumas or deep self-doubts and wear masks to hide their true nature. Creepy but great for the storyline.

Father Emilio Sandoz. A really hard working Jesuit who is also intelligent, funny, passionate, street-tough and extremely good looking (sexy, too).

A genius in linguistic, he learns to speak/understand French, Spanish, English, Puerto Rican, Portuguese, Polish, Arabic, and many more. And this communication skill is the reason why he becomes the part of the team travelling to foreign planet.

The only survival from the human being’s first extraterrestrial exploration. So naturally, he is the one who carries this book to the shocking end.

Sofia Mendes.  A child prostitute turned a computer expert. She is as precise as computer and as cool too. Mirror opposite of Father Emilio.

She moves jobs to jobs depending on the contract and learning everything required to do the jobs in between. A genius. 

She is also as beautiful as it gets. A perfect example of beauty with brain.

Jimmy Quinn.  An astronomer who first finds (de-codes) the songs from Alpha Centauri.  Also, a specialist in navigation and communications.

A good friend of Emilio and George and Ann.

George and Ann Edwards.  A computer expert and a physician couple. They are both old (64) and wise and adventurous. Just great people to be around. 

The rest are either another astronauts or priests from the churches or all sorts of weird creatures from Alpha Centauri.

lace.Rome. More precisely, a huge church of Rome where Father Emilio takes a refuge after coming back from the space all damaged and crushed.

And Puerto Rico where Jimmy and Sofia work at Arecibo telescope, Emilio at the street and George and Ann in free street clinic.

And then, galaxy far far away at Alpha Centauri, the world of Rakhat and all other creatures.

lot. – Like a lot of interesting books with complicated storyline, this book also adapts the same two part formula that recycles by hundreds of writers out there: the first, developing story, part and the second, drastic and exciting climax, part. However here is the problem with this book. This book does divide into two parts like all others, but the two sides are so wide apart, even after finishing the book, I still can’t figure out exact storyline and what happen. Or more likely, why. 

The first half is really well written stories with quite a few fascinating characters interacting with each other developing relationship and inevitably revealing their past and personalities. Now, this part is really good. The other half, I’m not sure. 

Out of everything, the second half becomes, get this, an outer space exploration SF adventure!! In alien planet full of weird (kind of)human like creature with bizarre customs and crazy attitudes!! Not to mention insane sexual activities with insane creatures!! You have to read it to believe it. It’s so strange.

Ok. Here is the actual story.

After a long night of party with dance, songs and broken heart, Jimmy retreats into his cubicle and in there surrounded by bitter solitude, he stumbles upon a beautiful song from outer space.

The church, CHURCH! not government, assembles the crew of eight and send them to Alpha Centauri to explore the new world. And of course, everything goes wrong and Father Emilio is the only survivor coming back barely alive. How and Why?  

The story jumps around between before the mission (2019~39) and after (2059~).

erdict. –There is not much to say about this book just because I still can’t figure out what kind of book this is. This is one of those books that you really have to read it to understand it. Do not believe what other people say about it especially the book reviews on its back. They’ve got it all so wrong or just print out cliché after cliché so that they don’t scare away any potential readers, I think.

This book is like “A Planet of Apes” with really great, deep and extremely disturbed characters and even crazier apes. Well, at least second half of it.

For all I know, " The Sparrow" could be a blown away masterpiece or just one crazy book written by weird gipsy or something.