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Monday 21 April 2014

040. Lamb (2002).

Lamb: The Gospel according to Biff, Christ’s childhood pal by Christopher Moore (2002).

A truly amazing (sort of) biography of young Jesus, from 6 to 30, by his best and only true friend Biff.

I’ll just say this: You will NEVER find any books funnier than this. 

You will roll over from your chair laughing and will cry by laughing too hard. That’s what happened to me and it’ll happen to you too. Honest to God.

This is an incredible masterpiece you should NEVER EVER miss!!

Oh, and this book has NOTHING to do with actual religion, so don’t worry about it.

Warning: this is a bit long because there are so much to talk about here.

layers. Biff. A really tough and street smart kid/guy who is there with Joshua for every step of his life.

Ever since they meet, it becomes quite obvious that his job is get Joshua out of troubles and he does that till the end. Mentally, physically, practically, financially and later on tactically, he is the one who keeps Joshua alive for all his journeys.

As soon as joining Joshua for his journeys to become Jesus, the true messiah, Biff realizes that he is not a savior material. Not even close. So instead, he devours himself into other more useful and fun subjects. As a results, at the end of their long and patient training, Biff becomes bomb/poison specialists, Kung-Fu master, master tactician and Kamasutra-expert. All of which, except Kamasutra, of course, turn out vital to Joshua’s campaign to become a messiah.

He also invents the concept of sarcasm, builds stick match, figures out the basic structure of evolution and best of all, becomes the first man ever to smooth coffee with milk and sugar. Thanks God for his courage!

Joshua. A son of God. He is a beautiful kid who is too straight, too innocent and that makes him look kind of thick for Messiah not because he is dumb but too pure. 

So he gets himself into lots of troubles specifically with Roman soldiers and if it isn’t for Biff, probably gets killed before age 10, several times.
As he grows up, Joshua realizes that there is one thing missing from his mission to be a messiah: an actual direction.

If you ever read the bible or attend any kind of bible school at some point of your life like me, you may recall one fact that God NEVER tells you what to do exactly. He always send you some sort of signal or indirect sigh that you have to look for. And because of this, Joshua even if he is a God-certified messiah, just can’t figure out where to begin or how to be a proper messiah. So naturally, he stumbles upon quite a few troubles.

Later on after long journey (training), he finds his direction, becomes much more practical and with Biff as his adviser, security chief and running mate, Joshua runs now famous “kingdom comes” campaign.

lace. – It begins in the town of Nazareth. Then, three different parts of the world for the training. And back to Nazareth.

For Biff, after he is back from his grave, he is kept inside Hyatt Regency hotel in St. Louis by Raziel for a few weeks until he finishes his book.

lot. – By way of celebrating the second millennium of kingdom comes, God who, by the way, never appears and only say one line in entire novel, decides to add a new chapter to his bible about Jesus’s upbringing and how he becomes a messiah. And who is better suited for this tremendous task than Biff, Joshua’s buddy, best friend and the only person who is there with him from the day one? 

So, one day, the heaven send a clueless and somewhat dumb angel named Raziel to resuscitate Biff from his grave to write a new Gospel for Jesus’s childhood. 

(According to Biff, angels are extremely beautiful and powerful creatures but a bit dumb because there are given the pride but not the freedom to think. Because, after all, they are just messengers not co-workers of God.)

This book is divided into roughly three parts.

1.    The beginning. Biff meets a young Joshua and becomes his life-time buddy.

2.    Searching for three wise men to get advices of how to become a messiah. This process takes over 10 years because all three decide to stay as far away as possible frrom each other in three completely different parts of the world for no other apparent reasons than to provide great storyline for Christopher Moore. And it works marvelously. Epic journey begins!

Here are the list of three wisemen and what they do.

·       The first one: Balthasar. A magician. He is in East Asia near desert. Joshua gets vast knowledge of language and religion and everything else. Biff becomes a master of poison, explosives and gets laid every night with Balthasar's several young wives. Lots of sex.

·       The second one: Gasper. A monk. He builds a monastery on top of rocky mountain near Tibet. After years of training, Joshua masters self-control. Biff becomes a Kung Fu master. No sex.

·       The third one: Melchior. He is a yoga master in India. After years of patient practices, Joshua finds way to separate his mind from body. After years of patient practices, Biff becomes a Kamasutra master. Again, lots of sex. Lucky bastard.

3.    Finally, Joshua with mighty Biff on his side and 15 apostles (yes 15!) starts the campaign of saving his people. Let me just make it little clear for you. There are 15 apostles at the beginning. However one hates to travel, one has to be on the side of Joshua all the time (Biff), and the last one is too crazy to preach (his pupils are all dogs, not people). So the number ends up at 12 not 15.

erdict.Writing a funny book is not easy because in order for readers to laugh with your work not at it, you need to get all the facts right, come up with solid storyline and then add something else on top of it to make it funny. Writing a funny and intelligent book is extremely difficult because you have to be near genius or genius. For this book, Christopher Moore is that person: an intelligent and hilarious genius.

How good is this book? In America where religious-right will do anything to safe-guard their God, this book not just survive but becomes a best seller. Just think about that.

If you still haven't made up your mind about this book, then don’t trust anything I said. Just search the net, find the book and read THE FIRST LINE.

It goes like this:

" The angel was cleaning out his closets when the call came" 

This kind of book won't come easily, so please, enjoy it.