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Tuesday 24 September 2013

030. Rasputin’s Revenge (2003).

Rasputin’s Revenge by John Lescroart (2003).
 2nd adventure of Auguste Lupa, a son of God himself Sherlock Holmes!!



He is as interesting and almost as good as his dad.

What more can you possibly ask for?

layers. Auguste Lupa.   Not just a great detective (like his dad), but also he is the best spy in Europe (like his uncle, Mycroft).

And, get this, one of the most respected chefs in the world!! Who would ever though that Holmes DNA can generate a great chef? Just Brilliant! 

This guy has an appetite of a giant elephant and drains dark beers like they are the bubbled water. Naturally, he has the size of his uncle (big in every direction) and of course attitude/brain of his dad.

Sherlock’s mainline is “Elementary”, Lupa has “Satisfactory”. 

Guess who his mom is? 

THE WOMAN!! Who else?

He is the living proof of the fact that Sherlock DID have a personal life. I guess even God needs a break. 

Jules Giraud.   Holms has Watson. Lupa, Giraud.

They, Watson and Giraud, are almost identical, except Giraud has a daughter and he is not a doctor but an ambassador/and a teacher. 
Rasputin. A charismatic monk who has a firm handle on a lot of royals, especially Queen, the wife of Czar.

He talks with staccato rumbling which sounds insane but very effective for convincing people that he is a son of God for real.

It is not clear what he intended to do with his power up until very end, but he is the most powerful and feared figure in Russia and he acts and speaks like one.

Others. There are whole bunch of characters based on real history figures.
Russian Czar, Nicolas Romanov, and his wife, Alexandra and their kids, Olga, Tatiana, Marie, Anastasia, Alexis and Alyosha. And then several generals and husbands and cousins of Czar’s daughters who all have long unpronounceable names. In fact, I think other than Lupa and his company, all the rest are based on real characters.

Then, of course, when things going south, Lupa has the best help any human can possibly find: Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.

lace. –A truly magnificent city of St. Petersburg which was and still is called “Venice of Russia” for its beautiful buildings and lovely canals. Except that its street is wider than Venice and as modern as Paris

Almost all events has taken place in Winter Palace which is according to Geraud, so vast it takes him 20 mins to just cross the hall and has more than 20 wings. The place is also stacked with luxuries like piles of Oriental rugs and tons of flowers which were imported from the other side of Russia with train just please the Queen and royals. No wonder they all taken down by mobs at the end.

However, the outside of the palace has totally different story. It’s winter time and the war is going on forever. People are angry, hungry and desperately want the change. You can practically smell the revolution in the air.

lot. – Year is 1916. The war is raging on in the every frontline of Europe.  And the Western Allies need Russia to keep fighting until US decides to join the war. However, Czar is contemplating the peace agreement with German because he is sick of fighting. Out of desperation, France which is about to lose everything sends money and weapons to Russia trying desperately to persuade Czar to continue his campaign against Germany. This incredibly important job is handed to Geraud the ambassador and he is on his way to the winter garden at St. Petersburg.

In the winter garden, someone is killing people close to Czar to mentally put pressure on him. It somehow works and Czar is getting really tired of all the conflict. In order to persuade czar to continue fighting Germans, Geraud has to find the killer before Czar put a stop to the war. And Lupa is there to solve the mystery and help Geraud fulfill his desperate mission.

erdict. –This book is ultimate tribute to the Sherlock Holmes fan. I’ve read quite a few Holmes books written not by Dolye, but this ranks at one of the top spots simply because Lescroart comes up with something I never ever expected: his son.

I mean, in order to have a kid, you have to have a girl friend or wife and have to spend sometime with her and that means relationship and the relationship is the absolutely the last thing any Sherlock Holmes fans with right mind would expect from the master. I mean, Sherlock is a logical monster/machine!! And machine is not supposed to have a pet or write a love letter or get involved with woman!! But then here you go. John Lescroart is apparently much better man than I am.

The interaction between Lupa and Sherlock is one for the ages, for Sherlock Holmes fans, anyway.

Really entertaining book with Russian history back ground 


simply MUST for Holmes fan.