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Sunday 7 October 2012

025. The Smoke (2002).

The Smoke by Tony Broadbent (2002).
This book has everything lines up.

1.    A handsome and brave hero who happens to be the best cat burglar in the city.

2.    MI5 and Russian secret service going at each other.

3.    The top gangsters in London and the worst criminals in the world each trying to kill our hero.

4.    A young and beautiful woman trying to escape to the free world.

Honestly, you can't assemble the better setting for the mystery than this.

With rich atmosphere of war-torn London (1947) as a background, again, mystery just can’t get better than this.

layers. Jethro.   Anyone out there who happens to be interested in the technique of break-and-enter around 1947 will get a full lecture of all the details and secret know-how from our hero, Jethro.

He is an extremely smart and street-smart guy who learns everything from the street of London.

Born July, 27, 1916. Won couple of medals for outstanding courage (saving quite a few shipmates from sinking ship).

He works as a stagehand, sort of laborer behind the theater during his off-days as a cover, but in real life, he secretly owns several buildings and also is a co-owner of the Victory café where his sister is working.

When he is scouting the next target (rich houses), he normally goes there with a little painting easel and sketches/paints the several pages of the place. And then, he spends months for observing places, trying to recognize the pattern and making the actual breaking-in plane.

He also has uncanny ability to read and detect the movement of the other side of room just by gently place his hand to the door and listen which of course helps him numerous time avoiding the jail time.

He talks a lot about what he does or knows, so just by listening whatever he says, you will learn everything about cat-burglar  such as what to look for, how to work with all the tools and when to run, things like that.

Also, through Jethro, who is a highly intelligent guy with keen observation skill and vast knowledge (College educated!!), you will experience the actual life of London in 1947 like reading an encyclopedia of that period. A lot of everyday activities are described in every chapter. The author’s claim that he does tons of research about this period is, judging by the book, totally justified. Research rules!!

Barry.   Jethro’s brother I law. A tough cap driver who knows every corner of the city and everyone around it.

Loves his wife to death.

Seth.   Ex-navy fight instructor who plays guitar for a travelling band.

He saves Jethro’s life by beating up several tugs who tries to kill him and becomes the best friend of Jethro.

A man with few word, big heart and honor. A really cool and honest guy you can trust with your life.

He carries a hammer for protection. A HAMMER!!

Joanie.   Jethro’s sister and part owner of the Victory café. A beauty with heart and attitude.

Ray Karmin.   Part-Russian, half-Viennese Jew. The best fence in London though few people ever know of it.

The father figure to Jethro who teaches him everything out there to know about to become the best cat burger and  jewelry thief in London.

One of very few man Jethro trust with his life.

He is a gentleman scholar in British museum during the week ( highly educated and incredibly intellectual )and “Buggy Billy” who sells pesticide in the underground market during the weekend.

It is through Ray’s words, the author explains all the important backgoung information of the period: Politics, spies, war, immigration and crimes.

Welsingham.   The ex-military intelligence now running MI5. The one who decides to hire(blackmail) Jethro.

Bosanquest.   Welsingham’s right hand man.

And all the bad guys including gangsters and spies whom I won’t mention in here because there are just too many of them.

lace.London, England, 1947, right after the war, where you can find everything, I mean EVERYTHING to make any book or movie out of this world exciting. 

Let me give you some examples. There are cat burglars, prostitutes, organized gangs, lots of them, illegal clubs, police and secret police that regular police force don’t even know its existence (ghost police, they call ).  Then there are spies from sides, again lots of them, assassins for hire (most of them are enjoying the booming business).

Then backbone of all these is A HUGE BALCKMARKET in which all the businesses/companies that matter at that time including legal ones, do their actual work during those difficult period.

“The Smoke” is the nickname for London which was re-building itself after the war, pumping lots of smoke out to the air, supposedly making the city stinking and horrible to live in. But if you read this book, you somehow get the opposite impression. Just read what Jethro thinks about his city.

lot. –This book is roughly divided into two parts. 

1.    Jethro, the best cat burglar and jewel thief in London, brakes into the Russian Embassy to steal a few precious jewelers. But on his way out, he picks up couple of extra stuffs including one ordinary looking black book.

2.    His best friend and mentor, Ray, finds out that the book could be a secret military code, and instead of just throwing it away, starts to ask questions about it in the British Museum out of pure patriotism.

3.    That caught the attention of MI5 and now Jethro is blackmailed to go back to the Embassy again to steal the other half of the black book which contains the answer to all the codes.

4.    To make the story more interesting, there is a beautiful Russian secretary who wants to defect to the west. And this is the first half.

5.    The second part finds Jethro deals with gangsters who want his service and Russian spy/assassins who want to kill him just to even the score which is much more grim and bloody than the first half.

However, this book has a really good ending with the promise of the sequel which makes me drooling with expectation, because it is not easy finding book this interesting.

erdict. – I already explain thoroughly why this book is great, so I’ll just skip to the conclusion.

Tony Broadbent delivers an extraordinary mystery with fact, thrill and lots of unique characters.

With great story and amazing research,

simply put, this book has it all!!

Tuesday 11 September 2012

025. Into The Volcano (2004).

Into The Volcano by Forrest DeVoe JR. (2004).
Totally retro spy thriller created by a writer who tries hard to rejuvenate 60’s spy novel (He even starts his own publishing company for that purpose only).
However, believe or not

This novel is what exactly it’s claimed for:

Cheap, outrageous and totally RETRO fun.

I love it!!


layers.  Jack Mallory.   5’11’ with lean body and unusually wide shoulder. He is 34 yrs old and speaks with faint Texas accent.

Ex-army with good fighting skill and very strong mind.

Like all 60’s spy, he is dedicated ladies’ man. Can’t stop putting his xxxx in xxxx.

Overall, he is like a James Bond’s little American cousin. Not as cool or handsome or smart as Bond’s, but does his job as well as Bond.     

Laura Morse.   Female version of Bruce Lee.

Used to be a data analyst, but once CIA finds out about her martial art skill, they turn her into a field agent.

A small but beautiful blond woman who can also become a good actress depending on the situation.

Because of her deadly martial art skill, they call her “a ghost princess “.

Always carries a paper book romance. Time to time, Mallory makes a move to her, but she, literary, brushes him off with one finger even if she loves him so much, it hurts her. 

One of the best and deadly agents in Consultancy.

Gray.   Boss. M’s mind and Dr. No’s appearance. Small chubby man with a large head where a large scare covers left half of the face.

He has a numerous legends regarding his service for various agencies (CIA, Interpol…). 

After, literary, killing off the biggest heroin ring completely just by himself, he appeared in New York and opened his own agency called Consultancy with very mysterious and envious “unlimited source of capital.

The most feared man in the world of spy and information.

Talaat and Osman Asker.   Very royal Turkish brothers who works for Consultancy’s Turkey branch. Even if they are young (early 20’), they are very smart and quite dependable.

Piotr Nemerov.   A very expensive Russian assassin.

A big (over 2m) and handsome, square-jawed man who are essentially very similar to Mallory. They are smart, fit and both love women and their jobs. Except, of course, they belong to the exactly opposite side.

Sasha Kurski.   Nemerov’s old friend of 25 yrs.

A bony guy with a very watchful eyes who specializes only on eliminating highly secured target. Nothing disturbs him other than stupidity and works only for money. 

Anton Rauth.   A super villain. Dr.No to Gray’s M. 

Originally from very old Prague shipping family.

A freak cocaine accident permanently lamed his right arm and ever since, his sanity is in question.

He builds an organization similar to Consultancy with only one major difference: it only serves the evil with money.

One of those, brilliant, charismatic but totally insane, so called “The Ultimate Villain” that you always get to see when you watch 60-70’s spy movie.

lace. –It has all the classic location for the typical RETRO spy-book.
This book is essentially divided into two parts.

Book 1 is located Istanbul, the one of the most popular city for spy activity in general. I mean you can’t find the better place to start your Spy novel than Istanbul, the city of mystery and corruption. Also, huge part of the city is basically thousand years old MAZE, making it even more exotic and mysterious.

Then with book 2, the scenery is totally changed. Our agents are in He’ Konau, one tiny island with a huge volcano located right in the middle of it.  

With, of course, secret bases under the volcano cave!

With huge army!

With Secret weapon big enough to destroy the  entire planet!

Retro rules!!

lot. –This book has everything to make it one of the best spy thrillers. No, it doesn’t have overly complicated plot (remember this is still 60’) or gruesome genocide. 

What it has is a very solid, straight forward (simple) but interesting story line and very fine RETRO SPY SETTING which includes ridiculously outrageous secret weapons, 60’s space-age underground base in exotic location and hideous villains with insane personal taste.

Here are the actual plots:

1.    One of the agents from Consultancy gets killed in Istanbul with ridiculous but cool trap. Obviously someone is challenging the agency.

2.    The Consultancy sends two of their best (Mallory and Morse) to investigate it and all kinds of things that supposed to happen happens.

3.    In book two, the same duo is deployed to the small island called “He’ Konau”, to gather information about the new evil king (Rauth) and his secret base located inside the volcano called Dragon’s throne.

4.    Again, chaos follows and All Hell Breaks Loose!! With very Bond’s like ending.

erdict. – First of all, I am not a spy book person. I just can’t relate myself to any of those cool spy characters because they are just too far away from me. As I always have hard time associating myself with any of spy guys and their agenda, it is kind of hard to follow their action and to say nothing of the story line.

However,  since this book is more “adventure” than “hart core spy novel”  just like Bond’s, I don’t find any trouble reading this book.

It has perfect combination of story, style and adventure, you will have really tough time putting this book down.

Fan of retro spy books, especially like James Bond Series, will recognize quite a few similar trends here: secret bases, cool gadgets, sexy Secretary, crazy villains and a boss as cold as ice.

 However, the author openly admits that this book is intended to be a homage to James Bond, so just relax and go enjoy this book. 

You will have tremendous fun reading this one.

They should make a movie out of this!!